Digital infrastructure and permaculture

Digital infrastructure and permaculture

In the first part of this workshop I will talk us through some problems of surveillance capitalism and some alternatives present and upcoming (we will visit free software and hardware). In addition he’d like to sow some seeds, and perhaps open up a discussions on computers in relation to permacultures three ethics. 

The second part will be more hands on. We will look at a small computer (a LIME2) running freedombox and what it can do for you. If you want a freedombox server, bring an old laptop or single-board computer (like a LIME2 or a raspberrypi) send me an email (there’s little connectivity on site, so I need to prepare).

Thomas Sigurdsen

I studied a bachelors degree in game programming (never finished) before I was part of running a tiny hackerspace a few years. I then changed course completely, took a PDC and then a national certificate of horticulture in Scotland before coming back to Norway.

Currently working in a kindergarten and trying to make a snug cozy home between a mountain and a lake in Telemark.  I continue using and learning computers and digital infrastructure.