Library and book talk with a booklottery

Library and book talk with a booklottery

Bring with you books that has inspired you in permaculture, and we make a permaculturelibrary there we all can flip through good books.

Saturday we take the book talk, and you are invited to tell us about a book, or if we have common books, we take a dialog. We make the moment together.
If you want you can also bring along a book to a booklottery, then it can bring happiness to someone else.

Lottery on the end of the book talk.

Eldrid Skudal

I’m a garden ”crasy” person that is hooked on permakulturethinking.

Mother of two, and grandma to five, and I want to do my efford that they will get a better earth to inheritiate. Just now I’m “drawing” my garden with my new permacultureglasses on, and have boguht a new area to make my foodforest.

Work in kindergarten, is a politician and hammock enthusiast.