TMW; Tai Chi movement for Wellbeing

TMW; Tai Chi movement for Wellbeing

Rise and shine….☀️❤️

In addition to a lot of inspiring workshops the Nordic Permaculture Festival will also make sure to nurture your body and soul!

Every morning we will offer the opportunity to connect to both inner and outer nature through simple Thai chi movement for wellbeing, dance, yoga or guided silent walks in nature. But off course, you are always welcome to sleep in as well….

Helene Bøhler

Helene joined the board of the Norwegian permaculture association in 2013; initiated the Nordic permaculture festival (2013 and 2023), and started the Norwegian LAND network.

She has a PDC, EDE and TPT (and PPU). She is currently on the Group Diploma Adventure with Looby Macnamara and Delvin Solkinson as her mentors.