

It’s time to sign up and get excited!

The list of workshop-holders is coming together bit by bit, and we are very excited in the festival team about the range of workshops we have confirmed so far! A rich and inspiring program is taking shape, and our aim is as always to offer a diversity and good spread in topics both in practical hands on workshops, and more theoretical facilitation of inspiring permaculture dissemination. What we hope is to see the permaculture flower blossom with all its petals to meet a range of interests and experiences. So, there will be something here for everyone; from workshops about soil-life and what is under our feet, through connecting and listening into our nature, to what grows and inspires us in our communities!

We are still in the process of confirming more workshop-holders and also to detail the content of workshops, so we will keep posting updates here and on other platforms as we develop the program in more detail. We are very happy to announce some of our confirmed workshop holders and topics;

For those of you that are new to permaculture this festival is a great way to get a taste of the range of areas that permacultures wholeness embraces. We will offer plenty of workshops with introduction to permaculture and workshops catering for a range of experiences.

And with more workshops to come there will be something here for both body, mind and spirit; like forest bathing, yoga and of course great music both from you the participants and from invited musicians!
We are delighted to announce that we have confirmation from the band HÅP.
Here is a link to their music for your inspiration: HÅP – Nærhet

And finally, it is worth adding that in addition to a rich abundance of workshops and music, Bøensætre in itself is a wonderful place to simply be, play and enjoy life!